Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The Chicken and the Egg Came First

So which came first?

This video doesn't actually settle the debate, because it could've just as easily concluded that the egg laying species (or proto chicken) came first. 

(image credit)
One reason we have difficulty resolving the chicken-or-egg debate is our tendency to look at things in a linear, cause-or-effect way: Instead, anything (or anyone) can be either (or both) at any given time. So things are multilinear and multidimensional. 

No doubt, life form and evolution itself ran on multiple tracks.

(image credit)

The chicken-or-egg debate is actually a more sensitive one: Are we the product of Godly creation or the evolution that Darwin conceived? You can weigh in on this. But I'd argue that this debate, too, overly simplifies a complicated issue: Some may believe aspects of both or something else altogether.

Which brings us to Mama Bailey adopting 10 orphaned chicks... 

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